The next Startup Live event is just around the corner, but you don’t know what to start the preparation with? Have no clue what to expect? No worries! Here’s our ultimate guide of how to feel self-confident and make the best out of the Startup Live Weekend experience.
Golden Rules of success
1. Be open and curious
A lot of our alumni met their team members, business partners and mentors on SUL weekends. It would never have happened if they had been just sitting in one corner and waiting for someone to rescue them with small talk. So use your chance to get to know people from different backgrounds, age, life positions (you name it). Who knows, maybe that serious man in a suit standing next to you will be the mentor you were looking for?
2. Know your business
Show the judges you are perfectly aware of all facets of your startup and market. So get ready in advance: do your market research market, get to know who your competitors are. Define your target market, talk to your potential customers and ask them for their feedback.
3. Prepare your Friday Night Pitch
Remember – you’ll have only 90 seconds to present your startup idea! Use them wisely and talk about:
- the problem you solve for your potential customers
- the solution your product comes up with
- what/who you need to kickstart your idea/business
The secret of the best pitch from one of our winners: “I write down three messages, three bullets answering the question I would ask the audience one week later: “What will you remember of my pitch?”. Every sentence and slide that I prepare I challenge on these main messages and these three bullets. Then decide if it’s really necessary to put these in the slides or in my presentation”.
Watch other Startup Live-Talks and learn from the people who rocked the pitch competition!
4. Stalk our Mentors
They will voluntarily share their know-how and help you developing your business concept significantly further. If you want to get the most out of them, think of how to apply their experience to your startup beforehand. Their profiles are accessible online, so research them and prepare your questions already.
If you still have time left
5. Look into the Business Model Canvas to develop, specify and challenge your business model.
6. Get your slides for the Final Pitches ready. So you will be able to focus on the revision of your killer speech and not to care of the visual part.
7. Check out the pro-tips of our partner WhatAVenture – to prepare even better.
Good luck!